Monday, June 06, 2005

The woes of Tech Support

Customer: "Did you know about the thunderstorm? I heard that I should unplug my computer. Should I do that?"

Tech Support: "In most cases, yes, it is best to at least unplug your phone and data line. Lightning sometimes causes power surges that can damage your modem or nic."

Customer: "Can it damage other things as the phone?"

Tech Support: "It is rare, but it is a possibility."

Customer: "So do you think that I should unplug the phone from my computer and from all the phones as well?"

Tech Support: (frustrated) "Couldn't hurt."

Customer: "So when can I plug them all back in?"

Tech Support: (really annoyed now) "When the storm is over."

Customer: "How will I know when it's safe, though?"

My face lit up like a Christmas tree, and it was all I could do to keep myself breathing evenly.

Tech Support: "I will call you."

Customer: "Ok! Thank you!"

1 comment:

Hawkmistress said...